The frosty morning and afternoon weather warning didn’t deter the seven hardy Merthyr Valley Ramblers (including good friends Sue and Caroline and welcome visitor Allison) on our 7 mile walk today. Walk leader Geoff assured us that we would be home before the bad weather started and, he was true to his word. From the Pencelli lay-by, we followed the canal for a short distance then turned off to cross the fields to Cornwall farm. From the farm, we headed east then due south to Coity-Mawr, having a quick cuppa on the way. We then picked up the Usk valley walk to Aber farm where we crossed the canal then picked up the Brinore tramway or Taff trail to Talybont where we lunched outside the village hub. Refreshed, we then made our way back to the canal and continued back to Pencelli where our cars awaited. A big thank you to Geoff and Judith for a lovely walk and to all for the great company.